Friday, 6 September 2013

Do you need to appoint a 'Competent Person'?

Attention Building Contractors - 

It is a legal duty under Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 that every organisation must have access to competent health and safety advice and assistance.
It is not necessary to employ a costly health and safety person to comply with this legal requirement. Our highly successful retainer health and safety service has been designed to help you fulfill this legal obligation in a very cost effective manner.
JAD Consulting has extensive experience in providing competent health and safety advice and assistance.
It is in our interest to ensure that any organisation we work for is fully compliant with legal requirements; hence we work closely with our Clients and their staff in a supportive manner to achieve this.
In line with their specific needs and legal requirements organisations can choose from different levels of service. This retainer service reduces your health and safety overheads and provides you with a flexible service, cost certainty and access to experienced, competent health and safety professionals on board whenever you need them.
Competent Person packages start from £25.00 p/m giving you peace of mind by having access to expert health and safety advice.

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